Neopixel ring Compass Road Safety Dog Jacket

Abandoned the waterproof sleeves idea and decided to do more sewing, not pvc/plastic welding. (from previous blog post)

My dog Baxter is an excellent model and his old coat is never used because he hates wearing it, so I gathered my Arduino Liliypad, compass sensor and other materials listed here:

Bill of Materials:

Friday, February 9 2018, 09:35:35
Assembly List
Label Part Type Properties
Part1 Lilypad Arduino Board type Lilypad Arduino
Part2 Seven-Segment LED Backpack 1.2 Inch Digits variant Red; part # 1270
Part3 16 NeoPixel Ring variant variant 1; part # 1463
Part4 FTDI Basic Programmer type Basic; voltage 5V
Real Time Clock ZS-042 RTC Module chip DS3231; variant variant 4
U1 HMC5883L package 16lpcc; axis 3; variant smd
U2 LIPO-2000mAh package lipo-2000; variant 2000mAh
Shopping List
Amount Part Type Properties
1 Lilypad Arduino Board type Lilypad Arduino
1 Seven-Segment LED Backpack 1.2 Inch Digits variant Red; part # 1270
1 16 NeoPixel Ring variant variant 1; part # 1463
1 FTDI Basic Programmer type Basic; voltage 5V
1 ZS-042 RTC Module chip DS3231; variant variant 4
1 HMC5883L package 16lpcc; axis 3; variant smd
1 LIPO-2000mAh package lipo-2000; variant 2000mAh
(I used a 2 x aaa battery as well)

Exported with Fritzing 0.9.3-… More...

Week 4 – Chapters 10-12

Week 4

Project 10


Project 11

Crystal Ball

Project 12

Knock lock

Assignment: to solder a project on stripboard.

I used a Nano 3 to recreate the Hourglass project, migrating from breadboard to stripboard. Unfortunately, it is not working and I ran out of time this week.… More...