Hello – just to let you know what I am working on…
I am trying out a few things and they include
Lidar – Neato’s Lidar sensor connected to..
Raspberry Pi
Robot Operating System (ROS)
cutecom to talk to the
Lidar Controller from GetSurreal.com
and tmux to facilitate dual screen operations and more
using rviz to display map of the room (up to 5 metres away)
prototyping control of Lidar unit using Arduino Mega
Aquired a Tripmate Router/NAS/Powerbank to avoid the university wifi
Installed different versions of Linux
(i) Ubuntu Mate (with ROS)
(ii) Raspbian Jesse (installed Processing and OpenFrameworks)
difficulty on combining OF and ROS! (help)
if I cant, I will use OSC and two Pi’s; one to sense the Lidar and the other to process in OpenFrameworks.
Any comments (not spam please) welcome! Thanks.